wide set eyes have the most distance in between the eyes among type of eye shapes and celebrities like Kate Moss and Jessica Alba prove wide-set eyes can be beautiful. wide-set eyes is a term for eyes which have distance or space between the two eyes wider than the width of one eyeball. this picture below explains what wide eyes set means.
wide set eyes shape |
for wide eyes set makeup, basically you need to do the opposite way of
close set eyes makeup does. bring those eyes much closer. accent inner corner with a medium to dark shadow starting closer towards nose. apply lighter shadow on outer corner. concentrate mascara on inner corner of upper an lower lashes. one more important thing, wide set eyes can be balanced by extending the eyebrows inwards using lash-likes stroke and filling in with eyebrow color. a more rounded shape will enclose the eye and make the space seem short.
celebrities with wide eyes set shape:
Jessica Alba |
Kate Moss |
Oprah Winfrey |
Uma Thurman |