Well, do not directly get discouraged by it. Just follow these tips as a guide:
False eyelashes’ types
There are two kinds of false eyelashes. First are false eyelashes in the form of individual pieces. The other ones would be false eyelashes that are arranged in strip form. For starters, it is more advisable to choose the strip form kind because they are easier to wear.
- First, do your eyes makeup. Clasp your eyelashes before applying mascara, and wear eyeliner. A little more thick eyeliner can disguise the false eyelashes are installed not too tight.

Eyelashes length.
Prepare a magnifying glass, tweezers, eyelash and glue. Choose long false eyelashes according to the length of your own eyelashes. If too long, you can always cut it.
Individual eyelashes
To install individual false eyelashes, take a piece of eyelashes with tweezers, and then dip the base into the eyelash glue. Wait about 30 seconds until the glue works. Then, paste the fake eyelashes on natural eyelashes to outer eye corner. Put three to four pieces of false eyelashes on the outside of the eye, and no more.
Strip eyelashes
Cut the strip of false eyelashes shaped into a half or a third part. Besides easier to apply, eye makeup will look more natural look than if wearing it in full. Dip the base of the false eyelash to the eyelash glue, then wait for 30 seconds until glue works. After that, paste false eyelashes to the outer corner of eye above your natural eyelashes.